Dr. Guy LaChapelle
Professor, Department of Political Science, Concordia University
Specialties: Public Policy and Public Administration, Comparative Politics
Dr. Lachapelle has taught in the Department of Political Science at Concordia University since 1984 (he has been a full professor since 1996). He obtained his PhD in Political Science from Northwestern University in 1986.
He is currently the director of the Center for Research on Values, Attitudes and Societies (CEVAS) at Concordia University. He was the secretary general of the International Political Science Association from 2000 to 2020, president of the Société québécoise de science politique from 1996 to1997 and is currently its vice-president.
He is also the principal investigator of the World Value Survey-7 for Canada. His main research interests include public policy, political parties, public opinion theory, Québec-Canada politics, and U.S. politics.