Telework: U.S. Workers’ Opinions and Preferences

August 3, 2023


Telework (also known as working remotely, working from home, WFH, etc.) exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic, largely out of necessity. How do U.S. workers feel about it more than three years later?

On behalf of the LA Times, we asked them their perspectives on teleworking, their current work arrangements, how important they think schedule flexibility is, and more.



  • 48% of full-time employees say their employer allows them to telework at least some of the time. Those who are allowed to telework do so on an average of 3 days per week.
  • 50% of full-time employees say their employer has a clear telework policy.
  • Over the past year, 27% of full-time employees say their employer has become more flexible with their work schedule. 15% say their employer has become stricter. On the other hand, 51% have not noticed any change in their employer’s approach to their work schedule flexibility.

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  • Americans who are part of the workforce are evenly split between preferring a hybrid work environment (wherein they could choose when to go to work) and being at home 100% of the time (28% indicate they prefer each option) if given the choice. The 25% who prefer to work at the premises of their workplace 100% of the time are not far behind.
  • If their employer enforced strict full-time attendance on the premises, 38% of employees who work from home at least some of the time would stay at their current job, 35% would begin looking for another job, and 19% would quit and look for a job elsewhere.

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