Our Coffee Break with Leger video clip series is designed to provide a brief overview of answers to key questions in the market research world. If you would like further information about the research services we provide, click the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of this page to get in touch with our team.
We survey the population to allow us to draw conclusions about how that population might think or feel towards different things, such as people, companies, or political parties, for example.
Surveys can also be included in much larger and complex studies, such as when a company wants to launch a new product or service and they need to assess how popular that product or service might be among the population.
Surveys can also be an effective way to measure how loyal customers are to a particular brand or company, and to assess customer experience on key elements such as quality of service and speed of service.
Of course, surveys can also be conducted to explore the views of numerous groups of other people.