Being an Influencer in 2021: The State of Influencer Marketing in Canada

April 8, 2021

What does it mean to be an influencer in Canada in 2021? 192 Canadian content creators speak out in this Leger and Clark Influence study.


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Year after year, the Youth Study, created by Leger, aims to give the younger generation a voice to share their realities, challenges, aspirations, and fears. It aims to give young Canadians a voice to answer the question: what does it mean to be a young person?

The section of the Youth Study on content creators is designed to give Canadian influencers a voice. From coast to coast, nearly 200 content creators were surveyed to answer the question: what does it mean to be a content creator?

This study is the first of its kind in Canada. Although they are omnipresent on various digital platforms and at the heart of discussions on new media, Canadian content creators have not necessarily been able to express their reality to the companies they deal with.

Leger and Clark Influence are proud to have reached out and surveyed nearly 200 content creators, allowing them to learn more about themselves and their craft. In total, we asked nearly 20 questions and 50 sub-questions to content creators about their challenges, the platforms they use, their revenue, and their vision of the future of their business. The result is a detailed and revealing portrait of what it means to be a content creator in 2021.

This study is a must-have for every company that wants to understand content creators’ realities and maximize their relationships with them.

Influencer Study

Content creators were ahead of the curve in 2020, doing as well as ever and seeing more opportunities to grow in their work.

It’s a digital world, after all, and it’s a world they know best.

With most of the world stuck at home due to COVID-19, content creators had more opportunities than ever to engage with current and new audiences. TikTok exploded in popularity, changing the social media landscape and shifting the way we look at online content. Black-owned businesses are receiving more attention from the #BlackLivesMatter movement. While gyms and fitness centres were closing, there was a surge in online workouts. Undoubtedly, content creators have caught on quickly.

However, there are added pressures that come from being in the public eye. Content creators must balance their passion for sharing with finding the right tone to strike on social issues – while still maintaining their authenticity. They care, but it can come at a cost.

2020 has been a year of advances and setbacks, uncertainty and anxiety, and awareness and activism in the digital age. This study gives a voice to the younger generation staking out a presence online and increasingly taking a stance on the issues that matter.

Perhaps there’s a thing or two we can learn from them.

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