Concerns About COVID-19 – March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020

Each week, Leger will publish a survey conducted in partnership with the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS), and published in The Canadian Press, to help governments, businesses and citizens better understand the attitudes and behaviours of Canadians in the face of the current health and economic crisis. This series of surveys will be available on Leger’s website.


Leger’s latest survey about COVID-19, conducted in  partnership with the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS) and published in The Canadian Press, from March 20-22, 2020 among 1,508 respondents representative of the adult population of Canada reveals that…

  • Canadians are more satisfied with the actions taken by their provincial governments (79%) than by the federal government (65%).
  • 38% of Canadians say their personal income is affected by the crisis and 27% believe they will not be able to pay all their bills.
  • 63% of Canadians think the crisis will last a few months.

To help companies adjust, Leger has launched a new tool, the 24 Hour Express Survey to help management stay connected with their customers and make business decisions faster. Learn more here.


This web survey was conducted March 20 to 22, 2020 with 1,508 Canadians, aged 18 years or older, who can speak English or French.

Using data from Statistics Canada, the results were weighted by gender, age, mother tongue, region, education level and presence of children in the household to make the sample representative of the entire study population.

For comparison, the maximum margin of error for a sample of 1,508 respondents is ±2.52%, 19 times out of 20. The results presented in this study comply with CRIC’s public opinion research standards and disclosure requirements.


  • Are you personally afraid of contracting the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?
  • Do you believe that the Canadian government are doing enough to protect Canadians from the risk posed by the coronavirus?
  • Are you afraid that someone in your immediate family will be contracting the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?
  • Do you believe that the COVID-19 pandemic is a real threat or is it being blown out of proportion?
  • Do you currently have one or more of the common symptoms associated with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) virus?
  • Do you personally know someone who has received a diagnosis that they actually have the virus?
  • At the moment, is the current crisis having a direct impact on your usual behavior and habits when it comes to the following?
  • Governments are strongly recommending self-isolation to fight the COVID-19, that is to stay home for 14 days and limit contact with others to a strict minimum. Personally, will you…
  • Are you planning on letting your kids play outside with other kids?
  • Which of the following do you plan on doing this week?
  • At the moment, is the current crisis having a direct impact on you financially, when it comes to the following?
  • To this day, are you satisfied or not with the measures put in place to fight the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic by the following?
  • Which of the following best describes when you think your life will return to a normal schedule, following the Coronavirus global pandemic?

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