[WEBINAR] The 2021 Federal Election: What Happened and What’s Next?

September 30, 2021

Leger was the most accurate polling firm for the 2021 Canadian federal election. 

On Thursday, September 30, 2021, at 12 p.m. (noon) EDT, Leger and The Canadian Press presented an exclusive free webinar about the federal election results and what they mean. We also presented the findings from our post-election survey.  

Webinar - The Federal Election: What Happened and What's Next?

Jean-Marc Léger, CEO, Leger, provided a short introduction, which was followed by a discussion between: 

  • Christian Bourque, Executive Vice-President, Leger – Moderator 
  • Andrew Enns, Executive Vice-President, Winnipeg Office, Leger – Panelist
  • Joanna Smith, Ottawa Bureau Chief, The Canadian Press – Panelist

The webinar focused on the following themes:

  • Why have we ended up with a parliament similar to the previous one?
  • Which issues played a role in Canadians’ decisions, and which ones did not?
  • Which strategies, messages or tactics paid off and which ones failed to move the needle?
  • How are the changing demographics in our country impacting election campaigns and outcomes?
  • What have we learned in the last six weeks?
  • What’s next?

A 15-minute Q&A session followed the discussion.  

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