2019 Canadian Payment Methods and Trends Report

December 6, 2019

Are you interested in the types of payment methods that Canadians and Canadian businesses are using?

The Canadian economy depends on the exchange of close to $210 billion worth of payments and financial transactions on average, each business day. Payments Canada is responsible for the clearing and settlement infrastructure, processes and rules essential to the successful completion for many of those transactions, as the owner and operator of the Automated Clearing and Settlement System (ACSS) and the Large Value Transfer System (LVTS). (Source: Payments Canada)

When it comes to making payments, Canadians have a variety of opinions and preferences.

On behalf of Payments Canada, from late 2018 to early 2019, Leger conducted an online survey among 7,500 Canadians to explore the types of payments they use for POS and remote transactions.

The results from this survey are included in Payments Canada’s 2019 Canadian Payment Methods and Trends Report. For more information, download the report below!

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