Conspiracy Theories

December 2, 2023

From November 24 to 26, 2023, we surveyed Canadians and Americans to learn more about their beliefs in different conspiracy theories, including if mainstream media manipulates the information it disseminates, if John F. Kennedy’s assassination was a cover-up, if global warming is a hoax, and many more.

Download the report to learn more.

Some of the key highlights of our survey on conspiracy theories include…

79% of Canadians believe in at least one of the conspiracy theories we asked them about. Conservative voters (94%) are more likely to believe in at least one of the theories. Americans are more likely than Canadians to believe in conspiracy theories.

The most widely believed theories among Canadians are:

  • Mainstream media manipulates the information it disseminates (55%)
  • John F. Kennedy’s assassination was a cover-up (36%)
  • The car crash that killed Princess Diana was an assassination and not an accident (34%)
  • Scientists have found a cure for cancer, but the government and pharmaceutical companies withhold it (34%)

The less widely believed theories are the lunar landing being a hoax (11%) and the belief that the earth is flat (5%).


This web survey was conducted from November 24 to 26, 2023, with 1,529 Canadians and 1,001 Americans, 18 years of age or older, randomly recruited from LEO’s online panel. A margin of error cannot be associated with a non-probability sample in a panel survey. For comparison, a probability sample of 1,529 respondents would have a margin of error of ±2.51%, 19 times out of 20, and a probability sample of 1,001 respondents would have a margin of error of ±3.1%, 19 times out of 20. 

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