Canadian Federal Politics and Trudeau’s Scorecard – July 21, 2021

July 21, 2021

This survey explores Canadians’ views on Canadian federal politics and Justin Trudeau’s performance.

With a fall election likely, we asked Canadians a variety of questions about Canadian federal politics, including their voting intentions, which party they believe will form the next federal government and how well they feel Justin Trudeau is doing as a leader (satisfaction, approval, performance on key issues, etc.).

We also measured Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ approval ratings among Americans.

This survey is conducted in collaboration with the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS) and published in the Canadian Press. This series of surveys is available on Leger’s website.

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Canadian Federal Politics and Trudeau’s Scorecard

  • Canadians are evenly split on whether they approve (48%) or disapprove (47%) of Justin Trudeau’s performance since he came to office in 2015.
  • The top three issues Canadians think Trudeau has performed well or very well on include:
    • Managing the COVID-19 pandemic (55%),
    • Improving Canada’s international reputation (47%),
    • and improving relations with provincial and territorial leaders (42%).

Justin Trudeau's Scorecard

  • Nearly half (47%) of Canadians indicate their opinion of Trudeau has worsened since he became prime minister in 2015.

Federal Voting Intentions


This web survey was conducted from July 16, 2021 to July 18, 2021 with 2,069 Canadians and 1,001 Americans, 18 years of age or older, randomly recruited from LEO’s online panel.

For comparison, a probability sample of 2,069 respondents would have a margin of error of ±2.15%, 19 times out of 20, while a probability sample of 1,001 would have a margin of error of ±3.09%, 19 times out of 20. 


  • Overall, since Prime Minister Trudeau came to office in 2015, do you approve or disapprove of the job he has done?
  • In the table below are several policy areas. Please indicate how you feel Prime Minister Trudeau has performed on each of these over the past 5 ½ years.
  • Thinking back to 2015 when Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister, has your impression of him improved, worsened or stayed the same over the past 5 ½ years?
  • To this day, are you satisfied or not with the measures put in place to fight the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic by the following?

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