Use of AI Tools

February 9, 2024

The context surrounding AI tools reflects a rapidly evolving digital landscape where these technologies are increasingly integrated into various aspects of daily life and work. With advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, AI tools are not only enhancing productivity but also raising questions about privacy, job displacement, and ethical considerations. As society navigates the benefits and challenges posed by AI, discussions on regulation, human oversight, and the development of ethical AI are becoming more prevalent.  

From February 2 to 4, 2024, we surveyed Canadians to find out their opinion and perceptions on using AI tools and their impact on society. 

Some of the key highlights of our survey about AI tools include…

The Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools Is on the Rise

  • Nearly one-third (30%) of Canadians use artificial intelligence tools for work or school (15%) or in a personal context (22%). This represents a 5-point increase since February 2023 (25%). Canadians aged 18 to 34 (68%) are more likely to use AI tools.
  • Among those who have used AI tools, 71% rate their experience as excellent (16%) or good (55%), versus 29% who had a negative experience.
  • Three-quarters of Canadians (76%) have used the free version of ChatGPT (ChatGPT3), and 15% have used its paid version (ChatGPT4).
  • Content creation tools that generate text, images, and videos (i.e., ChatGPT) are becoming more familiar. One-third of Canadians (32%) say they are familiar with these tools, a significant increase since 2023 (25%).

Growing Caution Among Canadians Towards AI Tools

  • Nearly one-third of Canadians (31%) think AI tools are good for society, while almost the same proportion (32%) believe they are bad, and 37% are unsure. There is a significant increase in people who believe AI tools are bad for society, rising from 25% in 2023 to 32% in 2024.
  • Eight out of ten Canadians (81%) worry society will become too dependent on these tools, and the same proportion (81%) have privacy concerns.
  • Compared to 2023, there’s an 11-point increase in Canadians who think AI tools may become so powerful they can outsmart or outthink humans (63% in 2024 versus 52% in 2023) and a 5-point increase in Canadians who believe AI tools will threaten human jobs (75% in 2024 versus 70% in 2023).
  • The biggest concerns Canadians have about AI tools are the lack of emotion and empathy (22%), the fear that society will become too dependent on these tools (20%), and the threat to human jobs (16%).
  • 80% of Canadians currently employed believe AI tools will impact their work in the next year, with nearly one-third (29%) believing it will have a significant impact.
  • More than half of Canadians trust AI tools for completing tasks at home (58%), using face recognition or other biometrics to access personal information (53%), or answering questions about a product or service on a website via chat (50%). Other uses, like teaching your child(ren) (15%), finding a life partner online (18%), transporting you from one place to another without a driver (23%), or answering clinical, health, or medical questions for you or your family (30%) receive less trust from Canadians.


This web survey was conducted from February 2to 4, 2024, with 1,614 Canadians aged 18 or older, randomly recruited from LEO’s online panel. A margin of error cannot be associated with a non-probability sample in a panel survey. For comparison, a probability sample of 1,614 respondents would have a margin of error of ±2.44%, 19 times out of 20.

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