WIN World Survey (WWS) acknowledges all the volunteers around the world

July 4, 2019

WIN, the world’s leading association in market research and polling, has today published Part 6 of the 2018 WIN World Survey (WWS) exploring the views and beliefs of 31,890 people from 41 countries across the globe. This survey reveals that more than one in four people around the world have devoted time to a not-for-profit organization without receiving any wages in the last 12 months.


  • 5% of all people surveyed have volunteered in the last 12 months
  • Males and females volunteer at the same level
  • The highest prevalence of volunteering is amongst the 18-24 years age group (33%) and the over 65 years (29%)
  • Those who completed a higher level of education volunteer very highly (42%) whilst those with a primary education volunteer at a lower 18%
  • Working status also has an influence on the prevalence of volunteering. Highest prevalence is amongst students (36%) and lowest amongst housewives (18%)
  • People from Africa (40%) volunteer at a higher rate than people from MENA region (21%)
  • The countries with the highest rate of volunteering are Paraguay (57%) and China (57%) whilst the countries with the lowest rate of volunteering are South Korea (6%) and Italy (7%)


The United Nations marks the importance of volunteers on December the 5th each year. In 2018, the UN issued a State of the World’s Volunteerism Report. This report was entitled “The thread that binds. Volunteerism and community resilience.” In Chapter 1 of this report it states that “Volunteerism forms part of the fabric of all societies. It can be a critical resource for peace and development.”

Clearly, volunteering is crucial to our societies today and into the future. This survey reveals that the level of volunteering (as defined by the question – During the last 12 months, did you do any voluntary work; this is devoting time for a job for a non-for-profit organization without receiving any wage or salary in exchange?) is 28.5% of people around the world.

The survey found that the prevalence of volunteering is the same for men and women. However, it is highest in the 18 to 24 year age group (33.5%) and also high amongst people over the age of 65 (29.4%).

The prevalence of volunteering was seen to increase with the level of Education, staring at a lower 18% amongst those with Primary Education and rising to a high 42% amongst those with higher levels of Education.

Working status also has an influence on the prevalence of volunteering. Students (36%), part time workers (33%), retired/disabled (32%) all have higher prevalence than full time workers (29%), unemployed (24%) and housewives (18%).

There are large differences between the regions and the countries. People from Africa (40%) volunteer at a higher rate than people from MENA region (21%).

The countries with the highest rate of volunteering are Paraguay (57%) and China (57%). Very high levels of volunteering also are registered in Australia (46%), South Africa (44%), India (43%) and the USA (42%).

Countries with the lowest rate of volunteering are South Korea (6%) and Italy (7%). Also low are Indonesia (10%), Japan (14%) and Pakistan (16%).


Vilma Scarpino, President of the WIN Association, said:

“As our world is becoming more anxious and Happiness levels are dropping” (referring to WIN WWS Press Release on 20th March 2019 Global happiness declines from 57% in 2016 to 52% in 2018), “the role of volunteers becomes even more crucial to hold our societies together. It is important that our media, our governments and our institutions continue to reward and encourage volunteering.

As well as helping others, volunteering has been shown to improve volunteers’ wellbeing too. It’s human nature to feel good after helping someone out.

Our global survey with data from 31,890 people across 41 countries has also found that there are very large regional and country differences in the prevalence of volunteering. This survey flags the need around the world to encourage more volunteering in many countries. WIN is very pleased to make this contribution towards acknowledging the impact of more than a billion volunteers around the world”.


Media enquiries:

Sara Vitrano, WIN Coordinator

+39 335.62.07.347






The WWS (WIN Worldwide Survey) is a study conducted every year with the purpose to measure people´s thoughts, expectations, worries and perceptions related to relevant topics for society and business.

Sample Size and Mode of Field Work:

A total of 31,890 persons were interviewed globally. See below for sample details. The fieldwork was conducted during October 2018 – January 2019. The margin of error for the survey is between 2.4 and 4.4 at 95% confidence level.

The global average has been computed according to the share of the covered adult population of the surveyed countries.

About the WIN survey:

The Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN) is a global network conducting market research and opinion polls in every continent.

Our assets are:

  • Thought leadership: access to a group of the most prominent experts and business entrepreneurs in Market Research, Polling and Consultancy
  • Flexibility: tailormade global and local solutions to meet clients’ needs
  • Innovation: access to the latest strategic consultancy, tool development and branded solutions
  • Local experts: access to a network of experts that truly understand the local culture, market and business needs
  • Trust: highest quality of talented members in all countries covered

In the years, WIN has demonstrated wide competences and ability to conduct multi-country surveys following the highest standards requested by the market. The accumulated expertise of the Association is formidable: Third World issues, advertising and media research as well as retail, economics, and corporate research.

Methodology Sheet


Country Company Name Methodology Sample Coverage Field Dates
1 ARGENTINA Voices! Research & Consultancy CATI 520 National December 6th – December 18th 2018
2 AUSTRALIA Bastion Latitude CAWI 715 National November 20th – 2nd December 2018
3 BRAZIL Market Analysis CAWI 500 National November 30th – December 06th 2018
4 CANADA Leger CAWI 500 National November 10th – November 19th 2018
5 CHILE Activa Research CAWI 1032 National November 7th – November 11th 2018
6 CHINA Wisdom Asia CAWI 1000 National/Urban November 14th – November 21st 2018
7 CROATIA Mediana CAWI 508 National November 6th –November 8th 2018
8 DENMARK DMA Research A/S CAWI 500 National October 17th – October 22nd 2018
9 FINLAND Taloustutkimus Oy CAWI 500 National October 16th – October 22nd 2018
10 FRANCE BVA CAWI 1000 National November 23rd –November 29th 2018
11 GERMANY Produkt + Markt CAWI 1000 National October 23rd – November 6th 2018
12 GHANA Candino Global CAPI 500 Urban November 20th – December 3rd 2018
13 GREECE Alternative Research Solutions CAWI 500 National October 26th – November 4th, 2018
14 HONG KONG CSG (Consumer Search Group) CAWI 505 National October 28th -November 21st 2018
15 INDIA DataPrompt International CAWI 500 National November 19th –November 25th 2018
16 INDONESIA PT Deka Citra International CAPI 1040 Urban November 14th –November 25th 2018
17 IRELAND RED C Research and Marketing Ltd CAWI 1000 National November 22nd – November 27th 2018
18 ITALY DOXA CAPI 1039 National October 15th – October 30th 2018
19 JAPAN NRC (Nippon Research Center) CAWI 1000 National November 15th – November 20th 2018
20 LATVIA Research centre SKDS CAWI 1005 National October 24th – October 31st 2018
21 LEBANON REACH SAL CATI 500 National October 12th – November 10th 2018
22 MALAYSIA Compass Insights Sdn Bhd CAWI 517 Urban November 1st – December 6th 2018
23 MEXICO Brand Investigation S.A de C.V (Brain) CAWI 500 Urban November 23rd – December 3rd 2018
24 MOROCCO Top Level Mena 501 November – December 2018
25 NETHERLANDS Motivaction International CAWI 500 National December 2018
26 PAKISTAN Gallup Pakistan PAPI 1000 National October 20th – October 26th, 2018
27 PALESTINE Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) TAPI 417 Urban/Rural November 22nd – December 2nd 2018
28 PARAGUAY ICA Consultoría Estratégica CAWI 500 National December 7th – December 14th 2018
29 PERU DATUM Internacional CAPI 1009 National November 9th – November 14th 2018
30 PHILIPPINES PSRC (Philippines Survey & Research Center Inc.) PAPI 1000 National November 6th – November 20th 2018
31 POLAND MARECO POLSKA CAWI 500 National October 11th – October 20th 2018
32 SLOVENIA Mediana CAWI 505 National November 6th – November 8th 2018
33 SOUTH AFRICA Freshly Ground Insights (FGI) CAWI 1700 Urban October 23rd – November 29th 2018
34 SOUTH KOREA Gallup Korea PAPI 1500 National November 7th – November 30th 2018
35 SPAIN Instituto DYM CAWI 1010 National November 6th – November 14th 2018
36 SWEDEN Origo Group CAWI 1000 National November 15th – November 25th 2018
37 THAILAND Infosearch Face to Face 600 National November 5th – November 30th 2018
38 TURKEY Barem CATI 1000 National November 1st – November 28th 2018
39 UK ORB International (Opinion Research Business) CAWI 1001 National December 7th – December 10th 2018
40 USA Leger CAWI 500 National November 10th – November 19th 2018
41 VIETNAM Indochina Research Face to Face 600 Urban November 5th – November 23rd 2018


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