Leading the Way: A Recap of Leger’s 2021 Symposium

August 4, 2021


Our 2021 symposium, held from June 7, 2021 to June 10, 2021, was Leger’s first completely virtual symposium. It enabled our employees across Canada and the United States to come together virtually to participate in innovative conferences, enriching training and last but not least, fun social activities! The symposium was an excellent way to celebrate our achievements and plan how we will continue leading the way in the months and years to come.

Leger's 2021 Symposium - Leading the Way - Logo


The Leading the Way theme of our symposium reflects our organizational values. At Leger, leading the way is about more than just being first in line. It is about being pioneers in our industry and continually striving to provide innovative solutions to our clients that help them answer their most pressing research questions. At an individual level, each Leger employee strives to lead the way on their teams based on their unique skills and experience.


Welcome and Opening Remarks: Sylvain Amoros, HÉC Montreal and Jean-Marc Léger

Sylvain Amoros, Adjunct Professor, HÉC Montreal, is a digital entrepreneur with nearly 20 years of experience in SEO, SEM, programming, analytics, and customer experience optimization. To kick off our symposium, he joined Jean-Marc Léger, our Founding President and CEO, to discuss the world of agencies today, including their challenges and perspectives.   

Opening Keynote: Ray Poynter, New MR – Global Trends in Research and Insights 2021

Chief Research Officer at Potentiate, Founder and Chair of New MR and author of numerous books and publications, Ray Poynter is a renowned expert in our field. In this conference, he shared a wealth of valuable information about the future of market research with our employees. We look forward to using his valuable insights to inform our research practices!

Conference: Dr. Laura Hambley, Humance – Hybrid Team Success

One of the ways Leger lead the way through the pandemic was by quickly adapting our processes and operations to facilitate working remotely. In this conference, Dr. Laura Hambley, organizational psychologist, serial entrepreneur and partner at Humance discussed how to facilitate success in hybrid workplaces (where employees spend part of their time working from the office and part of it working remotely).

Closing Remarks: Jean-Philippe Gauthier and Claudia Bertuccini, Google

To end our symposium on a high note, Jean-Philippe Gauthier, Head of Platforms & Digital Marketing and Claudia Bertuccini, Cloud Customer Engineer, Data & Analytics at Google presented the technological advances in predictive models (which will become increasingly important in the coming years) to our employees.

Social Activities

In addition to the informative content shared by our renowned speakers and internal training and professional development sessions, our employees also participated in the following fun social activities!

  • The Pollster’s Game: Led by Executive Vice-President Christian Bourque, this game, a longstanding symposium tradition, offered employees a chance to test their general knowledge to win the coveted Best Pollster trophy.
  • Awards Ceremony: Featuring music by Damien Robitaille, who entertained us by singing and playing several instruments at once, our awards ceremony gave our employees a chance to celebrate each other’s achievements over the past year.
  • Meet and Mingle: Following the awards ceremony, our employees had a chance to get to know each other better in virtual breakout rooms. Due to pandemic-related restrictions, our employees hadn’t had the opportunity to get together in quite some time, and everyone appreciated this opportunity to reconnect and get to know their new colleagues!


To see all the highlights of this year’s Leading the Way symposium, check out our recap video below!

Our first virtual symposium was a success on all fronts! We are confident that the skills we’ve learned and the insights we’ve gleaned from this year’s symposium will help us continue leading the way in the coming days, months and years.


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