Leger’s 2018 Successes

January 9, 2019

Leger Happiness Index

In 2018, Leger acquired the RHI (Relative Happiness Index), now known as the LHI (Leger Happiness Index). The LHI is a new way of assessing the general frame of mind of populations and comparing them daily with each other. A disconcerting and informative test, free for everyone. You can calculate your happiness index here.

A Collaboration with the Huffington Post

Every week, Leger publishes a survey in collaboration with the Huffington Post Quebec on Canadians’ perception of a host of topics that shape current affairs. From government employees wearing religious symbols to environmental and eating habits, to artificial intelligence, this weekly collaboration improves our understanding of Canadians.

Youth Study

The first edition of the Youth Study ‒ in which more than 3,000 young people between the ages of 13 and 34 were surveyed across Canada ‒ has allowed us to draw a comprehensive and surprising portrait of millennials and Generation Z youth. In collaboration with Infopresse, the study unveiled 100 of the coolest companies with the younger generations, revealed their favourite influencers and refuted certain myths with which they are synonymous. To learn more about this study, click here.

WOW Digital

This year, Leger released the 9th Edition of the WOW Study, which measured the in-store experience of over 30,000 Canadians at 371 retailers in Canada and established a list of the top retailers. New this year: Leger implemented a WOW Digital Index, in which 116 transactional Web sites in Canada were evaluated on 22 components, enabling companies to identify their strengths and weaknesses. To learn more about this study, click here.

334 430 telephone interviews

Leger would like to thank all Canadians who answered telephone surveys throughout 2018. These 334,430 Canadians opened up to Leger, allowing us to do our work with the necessary precision.

4 612 959 Web surveys completed in 2018

By the same token, Leger would also like to thank all Canadians who answered surveys online over the past year on the LegerWeb platform. In 2018, 4 612 959 Web surveys were completed, making Leger the reference in marketing research in Canada. If you would also like to answer Web surveys, join LegerWeb.

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